电子工程技术(EET) -纽波特纽斯

In the 1890s, electric streetcars linked the Peninsula towns 和 cities for the first time. 纽波特纽斯, 汉普顿, 和 Old Point Comfort were now joined by the power of electrification, leading to a boom in tourism 和 newfound freedom for American workers. 100多年后, 每个家庭, 业务, 工业与电网紧密相连, 有轨电车和汽车已经成为历史. We are no longer linked by iron rails 和 humming wires overhead, but by the internet 和 machines pulsing at 120 和 220 volts.

从朝鲜半岛出发,我们可以飞到世界各地, 或者安全地呆在家里,上网冲浪. 我们甚至可以用它来查找 那些古色古香的电车的老照片, once the newest technology, 和 now mere dots in history. 纽波特纽斯, however, is still very much at the forefront of innovation. Electronics engineering 和 engineering technology are vital parts of 纽波特纽斯’ economy.


The movement of some of matter’s tiniest particles—electrons—created the movement of our country into an electrified nation. 电几乎是我们一切活动的基础. 从沟通到建设, electrical machines 和 solid-state electronics permeate every facet of our lives. 卫星电话, 有线电视, 无线网络, 细胞, 和 l和line telephones all depend on electricity to make them work. 工业用电动机驱动大型机器.

造船厂的巨型起重机, 比如点缀在纽波特纽斯詹姆斯河上的那些, 耗尽电力. Imagine replacing all those electrical motors with diesel, gasoline, or steam powered engines. Our nation’s skies would be black, our rain nearly toxic. Our hospitals would be filled with gasping, choking patients. 纽波特纽斯 和 the world depend on reliable, efficient electronic technology.

保持这些电子设备的正常使用, 将设备连接到机器和彼此之间, 和 finding new 和 more energy-efficient ways to produce more for less money are all jobs for 电子工程技术人员.


In the 纽波特纽斯 area, with the right education, you could work in several fields:






With a degree in electronics engineering technology from 十大正规网堵平台, you could work at many 纽波特纽斯 和 regional industries, 包括:

  • 通用动力信息技术
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 美国铝业
  • CTR集团
  • SIMCO电子
  • l - 3通信公司

你 would be hard-pressed to find an industry or local company that does not benefit from the skills of electrical engineers 和 technologists.

Engineering technologists are the bridge between electrical engineers 和 technicians. They help engineers turn abstract concepts into functioning machines, 和 they help technicians troubleshoot 和 repair those machines.

你 may not connect natural gas distribution work with electronics engineering technology, 但想想 弗吉尼亚天然气公司最近的十大正规平台 将天然气管道延伸到纽波特纽斯造船厂, 一个涉及钻井工人技术的十大正规平台, 重型设备操作员, 和, 是的, 电子工程技术人员.


When you pursue an Associate of Science degree in 电子工程技术 or a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics engineering technology at 十大正规网堵平台纽波特纽斯校区 在奥姆尼大道,你是团队的一员. 你, 你的同学, 你的导师, 和 professors are all joined not just by your desire to get a great education, but by your connections to the local professional community.

Local industries work with 十大正规网堵平台’s students for mutual benefit. 你在现实世界中练习你的技巧, 公司也会从你的现有知识中受益. Some of the companies 十大正规网堵平台 partners with 在本地 include:

Many other 纽波特纽斯 companies hire 十大正规网堵平台 technologists coming from either the 1.5年一个.S. 程序或2.5年B.S. 程序. Entry-level positions could l和 you in a shipyard, aerospace company, or major manufacturer.


你r classmates form a vital part of your experience when gaining the skills needed to be an electronics engineering technologist. 十大正规网堵平台提供俱乐部和社团, 非营利性志愿者机会, 以及通往职业关系网的途径. The 业务 Club can help groom you for interviews; the Gaming Club can provide a much-needed break from studies.

Community outreach in 纽波特纽斯 by 十大正规网堵平台 students can put you in the midst of the 女孩懂了 organization, 美国癌症协会, 或者是当地的食品银行. 当你开始回馈的时候, you find new ways to apply your skills 和 knowledge to benefit everyone, 包括你自己.

你 may be the person a 纽波特纽斯 non-profit needs to rewire their office network, 或者添加无线连接. 你 may inspire a young woman to pursue a career in science, mathematics, or technology through 女孩懂了.


With 十大正规网堵平台’s multiple offerings at 纽波特纽斯, 您可以选择更适合自己的课程:


追求 理学副学士学位 电子工程技术——获得A.S. 在短短一小时内.5年


获得 理学学士学位 in 电子工程技术 with a concentration in 电子工程技术—Earn your B.S. 最少2个学位.5年

每个课程都提供理论和实践工作. 你 learn software 和 semiconductors, digital systems 和 data communication. 你对设备和人都很熟悉. 你 learn to tackle problems as a team player 和 as a respected expert.

Part of the job of an electronics engineering technologist is to translate the sometimes-impenetrable thinking of an electronics engineer into underst和able, 清晰的沟通. 十大正规网堵平台 emphasizes 业务 communication skills, 太, so you leave the 程序 able to listen to 和 talk with all types of people, 从消费者到创新设备的创造者.


Getting your education from a local, trusted institution makes sense. 你可以继续做现在的工作, 保持你现在的生活状态, 减少通勤时间, 和 pursue a stronger future at a lower expense than going far afield. 纽波特纽斯 is home to not just great people, but great ideas. 今天联系十大正规网堵平台! ——你可以打电话, 免费, (844) 611-0618) to learn about the 工程技术 程序 available to you, 在本地, 在我们 纽波特纽斯校区.